The Rabbit started her first day of summer school yesterday. We walked her over -- me, The Prince and the Rabbit, to her class, and saw many of the kidlets that had been in regular school during the year. Most of the children though are of the group I don't know that well -- the ones with the arty mamas, the mamas with shaved heads, black clothes, emaciated frames. The ones that love to snub. Let's get some background here though -- Although during college I followed the straight and narrow, majoring in science, a pre-med geek through and through, somewhere during my second year I "freaked out" as the rabbit would put it, and shipped myself from Cali to Gotham where I enrolled in a fairly well-known film school and yes, shaved my head, took to wearing black all the time, and became a slightly emaciated, self-described "artist." I spent my early twenties working in the "business" and thought myself somewhat cool.(Cue the snickers.) While it didn...