So just returned from our Thanksgiving trek to The Prince's parents house in Washington, D.C. Always nice to get away. Always nice to return to six loads of laundry, queries from editors, party invitations to make (why do I NEVER get to a printer on time!) and pre-holiday anxiety. I wish I could sum up a nice batch of life lessons like YLM did. Instead I feel like I should offer an alternative: The 12 Steps I Can Never Remember During the Holidays Until It's Too Late and I Collapse Under Piles of Tinsel: 12. Never try to impress your friends with a party. No one cares that you spent days icing 400 dozen cookies. Entenmann's (unfortunately) works just as well. 11. Think champagne cocktails. Think cheap champagne. 10. Wrapping should never cost more than the gift. When did using the comics go out of fashion? 9. Your friends will be embarrassed if you spend too much on their gifts. The babysitter will think you're cheap if you don't. 8. Groups gifts for teachers are a ...
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