Here's a FB link to the interview that went out on air on the Catboy & Geordiebird Breakfast Show on Dubai92 this morning. Non-Facebook users, try this.
Can I just make it entirely clear, however, that I don't identify with Mid-Life Mummy (I'm much too young, honestly!) What I actually said is that I identify most with Slummy Mummy; despite the fact I always make my own fairy cakes and my underwear is fabulous, it is true that I've been known to have a sneaky Marlboro or two in the alley behind school and yes, I do keep a permanent marker pen in the car for last-minute school shoe scuff touch-ups...oh, and I once did the school run in my nightie (don't think anyone noticed though)... sad but true!
Must forgive them, however - embarrassing as it may be to have people inquiring as to when I'm off to Buenos Aires - fantastic plug for the blog and great fun to do. Thanks Catboy & Geordiebird!