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Dubai divorce & swine flu

Still sick. Alpha sick too. Might be the same Dubai lurgy or may be another one which decided to piggy-back. Getting sick of being sick. Starting to panic that we all have H1N1, aka Swine Flu. But don't you have to run a fever for it to be Swine Flu? All very confusing.

Here's a link to the NHS check list for anyone as perplexed as I am.

Anyway, was flicking through our top read The Gulf News this morning (whilst feeling supremely sorry for myself and sniffling) when I came across this absolute corker of a news story here which urges married couples experiencing relationship strife to consider other options before jumping into divorce.

I'm all for couples working things out rather than heading for the divorce courts, and this article offers an approach I hadn't had occasion to consider before. The "gradual edifying reconciliation method" advocates a gentle husbandly whipping for wives indulging in "bizarre behaviour" to show them the error of their ways. This is, of course, a last resort if husbandly nagging/ hectoring/ lecturing and witholding of marital favours doesn't work.

Alpha says I had better watch out. Which obviously made me snigger wildly and forget about H1N1 for all of five seconds. Off to scour the web now for examples of people with H1N1 who didn't have a fever. Best to be prepared and all that (didn't suffer through years of the torture of Girl Guides for nothing, y'know).


Anonymous said…
Wow! Is this some covert message for S & M. I am shocked!
Kate B. said…
Dear Anon, you are obviously far more filthy-minded than innocent moi! I too am shocked, but possibly for different reasons...

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