Aimlessly gazing around (which I confess is a common thing for me during Sunday family mass), I came to the realisation this weekend that church is a rich source of culturally fascinating trends. The interactions! The carefully observed hierarchy! The sidelong glances! The plumage! The place is a hotbed of social intrigue. One thing of primary interest is the very different type of dads to be found shifting their backsides uncomfortably on the hard wood of the pews. Ranging from Wacky Dad to Euro Papa, they are relentless in their adherence to the code of their own particular tribe. Wacky Dad is identifiable as such purely due to his garish jumper, a spot of shocking colour in an otherwise griege landscape. Possibly sourced by his wife after falling hook line and sinker for the siren song of the Boden catalogue, Wacky slings on his Neo-Rave cashmere v-neck and desperately hopes that this will indicate that his personality is brighter than his monochrome mortgaged-to-the-hilt life would...
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