Maybe I'm insane, but what ever happened to RSVPing on time to party invitations?
The Rabbit's 3rd birthday party is on the 10th -- I emailed invites last Tuesday, and mailed handwritten invites which were delivered Monday.
There are literally 9 families who have yet to EVEN RESPOND.
Where were these people raised? Not that I believe everything in Emily Post -- but how about sheer courtesy? One parent went through his child's entire schedule for the day implying that if they could squeeze us in, they would let us know. Uh huh. How about, "Thank you so much for the invitation, and we are so sad we will not be able to attend." Or: "Can't make it but Happy Birthday!"
Any suggestions on how to handle this would be SO appreciated. The Prince sarcastically suggested I xerox the page from Emily Post on the number of days one should respond to an invite ("several" "one or two days later is appropriate") and mail it to them. (He thinks I am off my rocker.) At this point, I'm about to fire off an email to these (s)mothers and UN-invite them....(and yes, I know I am sounding like an etiquette hound....)
Maybe this is another moment for a glass of red.....or a date with the bath salts...
The Rabbit's 3rd birthday party is on the 10th -- I emailed invites last Tuesday, and mailed handwritten invites which were delivered Monday.
There are literally 9 families who have yet to EVEN RESPOND.
Where were these people raised? Not that I believe everything in Emily Post -- but how about sheer courtesy? One parent went through his child's entire schedule for the day implying that if they could squeeze us in, they would let us know. Uh huh. How about, "Thank you so much for the invitation, and we are so sad we will not be able to attend." Or: "Can't make it but Happy Birthday!"
Any suggestions on how to handle this would be SO appreciated. The Prince sarcastically suggested I xerox the page from Emily Post on the number of days one should respond to an invite ("several" "one or two days later is appropriate") and mail it to them. (He thinks I am off my rocker.) At this point, I'm about to fire off an email to these (s)mothers and UN-invite them....(and yes, I know I am sounding like an etiquette hound....)
Maybe this is another moment for a glass of red.....or a date with the bath salts...
The very least people could do would be to call when they know you aren't home and just leave a message. I mean... you're either gonna show or not. Just make your decision and let it be known.
I share in your frustration.
although...i've no suggestions for your next move. a follow-up email? if yes to that, then what tone should you strike while harrassing the slackers? hmmm.