Alain Robert, otherwise known as 'The French Spiderman', is set to climb the 828m-tall Burj Khalifa today. He's doing it with a safety harness this time - he usually doesn't bother with such dull precautions - and he's got permission from the authorities so doubtful if his climb will end with the usual arrest, but should be exciting all the same.
Watch and weep, Tom Cruise!
Watch and weep, Tom Cruise!
Here's footage of Robert scaling the 137m Hong Kong Hang Seng building earlier this year:
It was just as the BK was being finished and you could just see that he was hoping to get up to no good.
What a superstar!
I would be very tempted, although I suspect that he may be slightly lacking in humour (from having seen a few interviews with him, he is VERY serious). Nice thighs though. For a 48 year old.