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Fresno, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways

1. Because my lovely family live there and I feel a sense of belonging when I am with them that I rarely experience elsewhere
2. It's HOT, hot, hot... and dry - the perfect climate in my humble opinion. Which means there is rarely cause for a bad bouffy hair day in Fresno
3. Shopping malls, lots of them (and a superb exchange rate, like a mega-discount sale every day of the week)
4. People are so friendly it almost makes me suspicious. Not like London where people are just suspicious, only friendly if they've known you for the past decade and/or have read your Debrett's entry
5. The tomatoes taste like tomatoes, not like watery pulpy seedy things. Ditto melon
6. The cars people drive are an endless source of hilarity. I mean, who really needs a huge pick-up when they live on a manicured lot in suburbia? Takes the much-maligned Chelsea tractor to a new extreme
7. Because my grandpa has oranges, avocados, tomatoes, figs and walnuts growing in his garden. Lunch is there to be plucked from the tree...
8. People are polite and respect your personal space. I bumped into a woman in the store and she apologised. Wow. Have experienced the height of bad manners in London many times - for example, the last time someone gave me a sideswipe and followed up by shouting abuse at me for being in their way. Sigh
9. Men in Fresno recognise the sanctity of marriage. When attempting to chat up a female in a bar the flash of a wedding ring has a similar effect to garlic with vampires, although with a more charming response. Europeans, on the other hand, consider marriage to be an added challenge, an added frisson to the process of seduction
10. Did I mention my delightful family?

Is it possible to be homesick for somewhere you've never actually lived?


Jill said…
I've never heard anyone wax poetic about Fresno, but it sounds like the place for you :-)
Kate B. said…
I take it you know Fresno? It is the perfect place for me. Or at least, I think it is. At the very least, the low humidity = very good hair factor is reason enough...

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