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Well, Boris did it; Ken Livingstone is out after eight long years as Mayor of London. But what will London life under the reign of Boris Johnson be like?

Boris has promised to get rid of the much-hated 'bendy buses' (billed as the transport of the future until everyone realised that they are fuel-guzzlers with an unfortunate tendency to burst into flames/ get stuck on awkward corners) and bring back the much-preferred old Routemaster-style vehicles.

To put plans for a westward extension of the congestion charging zone up for public consultation, and scrap it if residents are opposed (although we have to remember that Ken once spent a huge wad on 'consulting' the public about the Kensington extension then rode roughshod over public opinion when the results turned out to be not of his liking). He will also abandon Ken's plans for a £25 charge on 4x4s (cue a sigh of huge relief from the Yummy Mummy brigade).

Violent crime will be a focus. How? One proposal is to ban the drinking of alcohol on the Tube and disallow yobs the right to have free travel passes. Boris is also promising big cuts in spending at City Hall (no £36k jollies to Cuba on some puerile excuse a la Ken, then) to pay for 400 new police community support officers.

Plant 10,000 street trees - much needed in some areas in London - to be paid by scrapping Mr Livingstone's free newspaper, The Londoner, which costs taxpayers £1 million a year.

Rather than the previously discussed penalty schemes to make Londoners recycle their rubbish, Boris sensibly plans to launch a scheme to reward those households who recycle with vouchers exchangeable for goods (the much-lauded positive reinforcement technique - you can tell Boris is a father of four).

Finally, and most important of all, Boris has pledged not to run for more than two terms in office. A good plan to avoid being institutionalised and corrupt... after all, we have to remember that even Ken was bright-eyed and full of good intentions at the start of his first term, too.

Good luck, Boris.


Anonymous said…
I shall keep this blog and check on Boris during his (2?) terms. I do like him though. He makes me laugh and that has to be a good thing. Also, he's naughty. Not a good thing - I have some sympathy for his wife, but, on the other hand, she must be some lady to have taken him on and kept him. So...GO BORIS!!!
Kate B. said…
Naughtiness is an underrated virtue. Welcome to the blog anon.

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